
Chi Siamo

Una squadra di professionisti di diverse discipline nel campo del counselling, della mediazione e della formazione.

Chi Siamo

Una squadra di professionisti di diverse discipline nel campo del counselling, della mediazione e della formazione.

Our Support

Mieux nous connaître


COMEFO is a social cooperative born from the desire of a group of professionals from different disciplines to compare and share the experiences gained over time in counseling, training, mediation and the design of new forms of helping relationships.

La Nostra Visione

L’idea di fondo è che lavorare assieme, integrando le reciproche competenze e abilità, offra migliori possibilità di intervento in contesti sociali attraversati da incertezze e cambiamenti che richiedono analisi sempre più articolate e risposte creative che durino nel tempo.

La nostra missione

Affrontiamo insieme alle persone i problemi sul lavoro o nel personale: comprenderli e ripensarli per accompagnarli nella loro gestione e risoluzione.

Il modello teorico

All COMEFO activities – counselling, mediation, training – are designed and implemented using a systemic and socio-constructionist perspective. A relational point of view on reality is proposed to facilitate the use of existing skills and enhance the latent resources of people who live in contexts in which, through communication, they act and give meaning to their experience: individual, family, professional and social.

In line with  systemic thinking (G. Bateson and the Palo Alto Group) and the Milan Approach (G. Cecchin and L. Boscolo) applied to the professional and social contexts of human life,  the approach uses tools and methodologies that allow us to analyze the effects that communications have on these systems, building meanings that favor change and its sustainability over time.

Our keywords are: hypothesis, self-reflexivity, contexts, creativity, curiosity, circularity.

Our working methodology, precisely because it refers to systemic and socio-constructionist epistemology, makes us prefer methods capable of developing autonomy in the resolution of critical issues.  A method that respects the context in which the activity or project develops,  favoring tools that allow the dialogic search for effective solutions that help deal with the complexity of reality.

We pay attention to each request by probing, through a personalized exchange, where the initiative to contact us comes from, what the client aims to achieve, the characteristics of the context, the resources mobilized and activatable.

Therefore, we do not offer a set of recipes to apply, but a strategy, that is, actions that adapt depending on the retroactive effect it has on reality.

Bilancio sociale

Scarica il bilancio sociale di esercizio dell’anno 2022

Il modello teorico

All COMEFO activities – counselling, mediation, training – are designed and implemented using a systemic and socio-constructionist perspective. A relational point of view on reality is proposed to facilitate the use of existing skills and enhance the latent resources of people who live in contexts in which, through communication, they act and give meaning to their experience: individual, family, professional and social.

In line with  systemic thinking (G. Bateson and the Palo Alto Group) and the Milan Approach (G. Cecchin and L. Boscolo) applied to the professional and social contexts of human life,  the approach uses tools and methodologies that allow us to analyze the effects that communications have on these systems, building meanings that favor change and its sustainability over time.

Our keywords are: hypothesis, self-reflexivity, contexts, creativity, curiosity, circularity.

Our working methodology, precisely because it refers to systemic and socio-constructionist epistemology, makes us prefer methods capable of developing autonomy in the resolution of critical issues.  A method that respects the context in which the activity or project develops,  favoring tools that allow the dialogic search for effective solutions that help deal with the complexity of reality.

We pay attention to each request by probing, through a personalized exchange, where the initiative to contact us comes from, what the client aims to achieve, the characteristics of the context, the resources mobilized and activatable.

Therefore, we do not offer a set of recipes to apply, but a strategy, that is, actions that adapt depending on the retroactive effect it has on reality.


Bilancio sociale

Scarica il bilancio sociale di esercizio dell’anno 2022

Il team


Emanuela Fato



Isabella Gandini



Antonia Sandrolini



Chiara Veneri



Affrontiamo insieme alle persone i problemi sul lavoro o nel personale per accompagnarli nella loro gestione e risoluzione.

Organizziamo corsi e laboratori di apprendimento per guidare le persone nella loro crescita personale ed emotiva.

Sei interessato ai nostri corsi?

Ti interessano i nostri servizi?

COMEFO è una società cooperativa che nasce dalla voglia di un gruppo di professionisti di diverse discipline di confrontarsi e condividere le esperienze da tempo maturate nel counselling, nella formazione, nella mediazione e nella progettazione di nuove forme di relazione di aiuto.

Via Marconi 3, 40122 Bologna. Siamo anche a Reggio Emilia, Vicenza e Cagliari.